【椰注】一月三日,在美国有线电视“美食网络”(Food Network)的烹饪竞赛节目“美国铁厨师”(Iron Chef of America)里,有白宫厨子参赛,白宫娘娘米歇尔也露面,让厨子去自家菜园子摘菜上节目。因为采集蔬菜的时间和拍电视的时间间隔过大,被明眼人质疑,一脚踢爆。踢爆后,“美食网络”承认在镜头前下锅的蔬菜并非来自白宫而是就地(纽约)采购的。下面的引文是一个质询和电视台的回答。
【引文】Lisa Krueger, the public relations director for the Food Network, sent an e-mail to me after I raised questions about why viewers were misled.
"As we have told reporters who have covered this story from the beginning, due to the production delay between the shoot at the White House and the shoot at Food Network, the produce used in Kitchen Stadium during the "Super Chef Battle" was not actually from the White House garden." The actual vegetables used, Krueger said, were "locally sourced, and the chefs were only allowed to use the types of produce that they had harvested from the garden themselves."
【标题】Iron Chef Special Used Ringers, Not Veggies From The White House Garden
【作者】Lynn Sweet
【引处】Politics Daily